Learn What Goes On Behind the Scenes of a Funeral Home – Small Business Magazine


But, for those interested, Youtube channel The Day provides a glimpse of what happens in funeral homes before and after the funeral.

To prevent witnesses being disrupted by transit in the first place, the body is delivered to a regular vehicle.

The bodies arrive at the funeral home where they’re stored in refrigerators until they are ready for embalming, or cremation. After the body has been cremated, the ashes may be transported to the funeral house and put into an Urn. They are typically dense similar to beach sand.

In order to embalm the body, it is brought to the rooms for embalming. In the room, every bodily fluid is removed, and replaced with embalming fluids. These are delivered by an embalming device. The embalming area is similar to the operating rooms of hospitals. It’s very neat and clean.

The body will then be attired and groomed and transported to the viewing space. The viewing room is equipped with appropriate lighting and music in order to make it feel comfortable. It is possible to customize the caskets according to your preferences. al6fq6qb64.

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