Style of Earrings Through the Decades – Art In The News

Jewelry was long and thin. It was made of fine substances. The influence of Art Deco made the jewelry form-fitting and geometric. Earrings were made of materials including diamonds and platinum.

The 30s saw the more vibrant options for gemstones began to become fashionable. Astrological themes such as stars and moons were popular as did less costly materials, such as plastic were employed to make the jewelry.

In the 1930s, the idea of matching earrings with your broche became fashionable. The most popular themes included the animals, flowers, and bows. Earrings were commonly made with small clips as well as screw backs.

Wearing earrings that match your necklaces became a trend in the 50s. Through the 1960s, enamel paints were used to paint jewelry made of metal. The hippie movement created flowers very fashionable. Hoop earrings first emerged as a fashion trend, too.

In the 70s turquoise became popular as actresses wore them. In the 80s, brighter colours were introduced, and hoops started to become more popular during the 1990s. The long, chandelier-like necklaces came to be popular in the 2000s.

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